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Recommended Books by Virgil Abloh


Exploring the Recommended Books by Virgil Abloh offers a unique glimpse into the mind of one of the most innovative and influential designers of our time. Virgil Abloh, known for his work in fashion, art, and culture, was a creative force who constantly pushed the boundaries of traditional design. The books he recommended provide insight into the diverse influences that shaped his thinking, from architecture and urbanism to art, media, and cultural critique.

Books Written by VIRGIL ABLOH

Design as Art by Bruno Munari

Abloh appreciated Munari's exploration of the relationship between art and design, which resonates with his own boundary-pushing work in fashion and art.

Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth by Buckminster Fuller

This book influenced Abloh’s approach to design and architecture, especially in how it encourages thinking about the world and its resources in innovative ways.

The Medium is the Massage by Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore

Known for its unconventional design and deep insights into media and communication, this book aligns with Abloh's interest in how messages are conveyed and received through different mediums.

Dieter Rams: As Little Design as Possible by Sophie Lovell

Abloh admired Dieter Rams’ minimalist approach to design, which had a significant influence on his own work.

The End of Print: The Grafik Design of David Carson by Lewis Blackwell

This book on David Carson’s groundbreaking graphic design work was a source of inspiration for Abloh, who often challenged traditional design norms.

The Recommended Books by Virgil Abloh serve as a testament to his eclectic approach to creativity and design. Each book reflects a different facet of his wide-ranging interests and offers readers the opportunity to delve into the ideas that influenced his groundbreaking work. By engaging with these texts, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the principles that guided Abloh’s vision and perhaps even find inspiration for your own creative journey. 


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